According to the European Commission, the European transport sector has to deliver a 90% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 whilst providing affordable, accessible, safe and clean transport solutions. Mobility as a Service – MaaS – as acknowledged by the EU Green Deal and recently published Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, can be an answer with its significant emission reduction potential and provide Europeans with all-encompassing services to meet their mobility needs.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a turning point, brought many undesired effects but has also opened up opportunities for improving our urban mobility systems and accelerating the sustainable transformations. For a better future, we will need comfortable, smart and sustainable mobility solutions, like Mobility as a Service. The progress that we have made with MaaS in Europe over the past years is very much linked to the hard work of the European legislators in removing barriers from the development of integrated multimodal services and supporting the interoperability of these solutions.
To continue this fruitful collaboration and to kick-off this eventful year, the MaaS Alliance will organise an online event with European Parliament and European Commission representatives as well as with key stakeholders from the mobility sector to discuss priorities and future steps to implement MaaS across the whole European Union. The event will be co-hosted by MEP Henna Virkkunen (EPP).
On 4 February 2021 10-11:30 when we will look at the past, present and future of MaaS and discuss the topical legislative dossiers and strategies from the MaaS point of view. Speakers include Ms Henna Virkkunen (MEP/EPP), Mr Richard Szostak (Principal Adviser for Digitalisation, DG MOVE) and Mr Jacob Bangsgaard (MaaS Alliance President / CEO of ERTICO – ITS Europe) and leading public and private organisations of the new mobility sector.
If you would like to participate, please send an email to the MaaS Alliance.