ENDAVA aims to achieve Net-Zero emissions
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Endava, a leading next-generation technology service provider, shared more details about its environmental plans as part of the company’s We Care approach to sustainability. 

“We care about the world we live in and our focus is on achieving net zero emissions from our organisation and value chain, accelerating our journey to a net positive impact. This will take time and we will approach our environmental disclosures with the utmost integrity. With this in mind, we recently signed a commitment letter to Science-Based Targets, which sees Endava joining the ‘Race to Zero’.  As a technology company, we are able to drive sustainability through digital acceleration and we are proud to help our clients build green solutions. We believe we all have the power to help tackle climate change through our behaviour at work and at home”, said John Cotterell, Endava’s CEO

Building on its current environmental position, in the short term Endava plans to tackle its Scope 1 and 2 footprint and minimise these as a priority. Endava is working towards alignment with the SBTi criteria in setting and subsequently validating targets which will involve updating baseline emissions data and getting these externally assured. 

The company will also perform 2022 an extended analysis of its Scope 3 footprint aiming to drive down material emissions in the longer term. To this end, Endava has already begun the process of engaging with its suppliers to identify emission reduction opportunities and the partnerships that will be required to support them. The company is also investing in high-quality projects and partnerships for carbon removal and intends to set out plans for decarbonisation. 

Endavans across the business and locations are encouraged to engage in environmental activities and projects. The company has recently launched an Endava Eco-Challenge encouraging Endavans to go greener at home. This also follows its recent Endava Thank You Forest campaign for which the company made a commitment to plant at least 30,000 trees in this financial year. 

More details about their Environmental Impact focus.


Endava is reimagining the relationship between people and technology. By leveraging next-generation technologies, our agile, multi-disciplinary teams provide a combination of product & technology strategies, intelligent experiences, and world-class engineering to help clients become digital, experience-driven businesses by assisting them in their journey from idea generation to development and deployment of products, platforms and solutions. Endava collaborates with its clients, seamlessly integrating with their teams, catalysing ideation and delivering robust solutions.

Source: Endava
