The Mobility4Users Community is a strategic initiative developed by the MaaS Alliance. Through the Mobility4Users community, the MaaS Alliance aims to establish an online Knowledge Hub and a Meeting Space for its members and mobility professionals worldwide.

Mobility4Users Community envisions the creation of global network that leverages innovative smart mobility solutions to elevate the quality of life, transform urban landscapes, and ensure that every seamless journey contributes to a sustainable, smarter, and more inclusive world.

Read the Mobility4Users article here

Why Join Mobility4Users?


Mobility4Users - Mobility Partnerships Opportunities

Engage with a vibrant network of like-minded professionals. Discover new contacts, foster collaborations, and expand your influence within the mobility sector. Our community events and platforms are designed to help you build valuable relationships.

Company Showcases
Highlight your services and successes through our community platform. Share case studies, demonstrate your impact, and learn from the achievements of others to continuously innovate and improve.

Funds and Projects
Secure financing and launch impactful projects by connecting with a diverse network of investors, including banks, incubators, business angels, and investment funds. We facilitate matchmaking between project initiators and funding sources to bring innovative ideas to life.


Mobility4Users Mobility Knowledge Hub

Work Groups
Join expert-led work groups that focus on critical mobility topics. Collaborate with peers to solve challenges, share insights, and drive forward-thinking solutions.

Comprehensive Resources
Access our extensive database of legal, technical, and industry knowledge. We provide up-to-date standards, how-to guides, and technical information to ensure you stay informed and compliant.

Forecasting and Research
Stay ahead with detailed industry pulse reports, trend analyses, market demand studies, user research, and statistics. Our knowledge hub provides the data and insights you need to make informed decisions and anticipate future trends.

& Mentorship

Mobility4 Users Counselling & Mentorship

Expert Guidance
Benefit from personalized mentoring and consultancy services provided by industry leaders and top firms like Deloitte. Our experts offer tailored advice to help you navigate challenges and seize opportunities.

Community Support
Participate in engaging discussions, open workgroups, and leverage AI integrations for enhanced problem-solving and interaction within the community. Our platform ensures you have access to the support you need, when you need it.

Mobility4Users Survey

Join the Mobility4Users Community

A Global Hub for Sustainable Mobility Innovation

Help Shape Your Community:
Share Your Thoughts Today!

Mobility4Users Community Survey

Together, we can drive the future of
sustainable mobility. Join Mobility4Users!