Cannes , France

TRUSTECH is the international event dedicated to Payments, Identification and Security. The event was first held over thirty years ago under the name «CARTES Secure Connexions» to promote the newborn technology of smartcards. In 2016, it was re-named TRUSTECH to better reflect the way the industry is evolving towards trust-based technologies. A popular mix of […]

Webinar “MaaS & Young People”


How to ensure Mobility-as-a-Service is relevant for younger generations? With a stellar cast of experts, we will discuss young people’s experience, motivations, societal and cultural norms, how they relate to mobility and what kind of opportunities and challenges this creates. What are the future needs of the ‘digital natives’? What are the specific barriers to […]

The European MaaS model: Achieving sustainable mobility


According to the European Commission, the European transport sector has to deliver a 90% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 whilst providing affordable, accessible, safe and clean transport solutions. Mobility as a Service – MaaS – as acknowledged by the EU Green Deal and recently published Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, can be an […]