Future Mobility Conference on MaaS


Mobility as a Service (MaaS) has been around for 5 years, and many challenges have been addressed and solved - but there is still much to do. The International Future Mobility Day, as part of the Smart MaaS Conference, will gather leading experts from around the world - showing insights into best practices and knowledge. […]

Ticketing & Payments Innovation Summit


Recent announcements around the potential success of a coronavirus vaccine have provided much needed hope. This two-day online summit will examine how public transport authorities and operators are leveraging innovations in ticketing, payments and touchless / contactless technologies to help our sector return to pre-pandemic passenger traffic. Leading speakers from around the world will reveal […]

MaaS Market Playbook Q&A

As a result of the work done with the members from public and private sectors and from various areas of the MaaS ecosystem, MaaS Alliance is proud to launch the MaaS Market Playbook. By facilitating open and trusted knowledge sharing within the sector, we have collected some insights and ideas for developing user-centric, societally sound […]