Fluidtime Symposium 2020


To be successful in the MaaS world often means opening up to new markets and facing challenges. Players once competing against each other frequently need to collaborate on the dynamic and demanding mobility landscape. So where are the boundaries between competition and collaboration? Who writes the rules? And more importantly, does collaboration kill or strengthen […]

EIT Urban Mobility webinar


In Covid19 days, due to restrictions in our public transport capacity, demand and offer are usually unbalanced and users have some concerns about using sharing services. MaaS will help administrations to have more efficient, reliable, and safer transport in Covid19 times. In this Mobility Talks’ episode 5, EIT Urban Mobility will invite a high-level panel […]

Transport Innovation Online Summit


Intelligent Transport is delighted to announce the launch of its industry summit taking place on 21-25 September 2020. This online event will examine the key issues facing the public transport sector including what impact COVID-19 will have on the industry in the medium-to-long term. You can attend this online interactive summit from the comfort of […]