SYSTRA presents new booklet on Autonomous Mobility

SYSTRA presents its latest technical booklet which invites to think about autonomous mobility beyond the vehicle and puts emphasis on the need to think in terms of “systems”, and to consider autonomous mobility services.

SYSTRA has been working on transport automation for several decades. Since 1975 and the studies for the VAL in Lille, the Group has established itself as a benchmark in this field and has participated in the construction of half of the world’s automatic metro and shuttle networks. In 2018, our teams opened up reflections on The empowerment of public transport: prospects, challenges and technologies, with the publication of a first White Paper which affirmed our leadership in this area. ​​​​​​​

This year, the scope of the reflection is extended to road mobility, and more specifically to the benefits, feasibility and challenges of autonomous technologies applied to autonomous passenger transport systems. In this booklet, we show that the transition to autonomous mobility requires service design in response to territorial needs, as well as transport system engineering. And we draw inspiration from good practices observed around the world to lift the veil on the unavoidable challenges of an autonomous mobility project. 

Discover the Booklet.

Source: SYSTRA
