Developing Innovative Mobility Solutions in the Brussels-Capital Region
Photo by Patrick C. Freyer on Unsplash

The brochure summarises the recommendations for regulatory and data governance frameworks to support the development of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in the Brussels-Capital Region. This highlights the need to enable the development of a competitive and innovative MaaS ecosystem, with both public and private actors, to maximise the likelihood that sustainable MaaS business models will be developed. The work identifies the necessary scope of a new legal framework for MaaS and recommends how the existing regulation of mobility operators should be modified to integrate effectively with the MaaS framework. Finally, the work also addresses key data governance requirements, including data protection, transfer and reporting needed to support the development of MaaS.

Scope of the Study

The Brussels-Capital Region (BCR) adopted its latest regional mobility plan, Good Move, in 2020. The objectives of Good Move are to improve the environment and the quality of life of the people of Brussels while supporting the BCR’s economic development. The focus is on addressing congestion, pollution, transport efficiency and road safety in Brussels. Good Move incorporates 50 concrete actions.

Four of these relate to integrated, shared Mobility and Mobility as a Service (MaaS). The BCR government believes that the successful development of MaaS will support a shift to more sustainable modes of transport than private cars. The BCR anticipates that a thriving MaaS ecosystem will foster further innovation in sustainable travel in the longer term.

Access the full report.

Source: International Transport Forum / OECD 2021
