The purpose of setting up the Mobility Knowledge Loop is to align on the Output of the Mobility Ecosystem and provide input & tools to influence Mobility for Users and Cities.
We all are fighting the same Climate Crises. Let’s align to provide the best sustainable solutions that makes the highest impact. Only by learning together, we can increase our impact and focus on initiatives.
We are creating a neutral and open community to align on the global studies & learnings on the Mobility outputs. With this knowledge (Outputs) we need to provide the right tools to influence the user behaviour (Inputs).
The inputs for the Mobility Ecosystem are the right and affective propositions for the right target group at the right moment for the right price.
By setting up the right tools to gather knowledge, provide to align and collaborate on the way how to Influence and manage Mobility. We need to understand and learn from the customer’s needs and the way we provide them with all options and solutions to fulfill their needs.
Our real challenge we see is how we can provide the best proposition to users in such a way that every user has access to Mobility and will use Mobility based on their needs and can easily navigate and choose among the best possible options, as an output
Many Mobility Studies and initiatives are set up from a local perspective, but we are not closing the Circle of Knowledge.
The current focus of the Mobility Studies and initiatives is focused on the Supply side of Mobility.
To provide the environment to learn and collaborate, we need to create and facilitate trust within the Mobility Ecosystem.
We need to create a generic accessibility to Mobility data to provide as a source for public study. The data should always be available for Public Use Only with the purpose to provide better Mobility Solutions to safe the environment.
Mobility Marketing: what are the element that we can use to influence the USER?
Customer Journey:
What Mobility Actors are working to influence Users:
How to compare Propositions and the impact they have:
Mobility Management: issuing the right propositions so serve all the target groups.